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A present for you

Publicado en por JAIME NOTARIO

This is a present for all the people. This is a beatiful story written by the best female writter: María Martín Ventas, a classmate 2ºBachillerato "A"

The characters and events in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to reality is mere coincidence.

So, one cold morning I was walking down a wide street in the imaginary world of my imagination. A non-existing day like any other.

I passed by the national non-existing bank, where all old memories are stored. And I thought to myself: well, I’ll go and check on some memories from my childhood. So I entered the bank, and there was something strange. Because, you know, normally non-existing banks are quite busy, crowded with non-existing people going back and forth with boxes full of memories to store.

But that non-existing day was different. There was a complete stillness, no non-existing bankers were at sight. It was as if everybody had left. But then I heard a little noise, it sounded like the tick-tack of a clock. So I began searching for the origin of the noise. It was indeed a clock, one of those big wooden clocks with a pendulum. It was in the centre of the large entrance. I had never imagined something like that, so it was kind of shocking for me to find one.

Then, I noticed something I hadn’t when I went through the door: the bank seemed old, almost in ruins; and the tick-tack continued as a background sound. I looked at my hands, they were no more young and agile, they were full of wrinkles.

I panicked, it was as if my whole life had passed without me noticing it. I fell to the ground crying like the little girl I was no more. There, in my solitary mind, surrounded by darkness, it would have been very easy to give up and stay there pitying myself for what I had lost.

But I wasn’t a coward, so I pushed myself to stand up and ordered my legs to move to the exit. I was going to find where the rest of my memories were.

I crossed the wide street, with only one thought in my mind: I wasn’t going to rest until I found my lost life. The sound of the clock joining me in my search, because time passes even in non-existing worlds.

Congratulations María. Carlos Ruiz Zafon would be proud of you. This story is wonderful. Next week, I am going to the translation of the story and I ask you questions about the time and the fear.

Mediocre alumno el que no sobrepase a su maestro

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Pintor, escultor e inventor italiano

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En serio, estoy dispuesto, me gusta traducir.
Gracias Guillermo, te lo agradezco mucho. Lo tengo traducido lo que pasa es que estoy esperando porque de lo contrario casi todo el mundo leería el relato en español y es un trabajo muy bien hecho por una compañero que lo realizó en inglés. Menudo nivel por cierto y no sólo en inglés sino en escribir. Muchos escritores ya querrían.
Hola Jaime si quieres te lo traduzco yo de mi tecleo computerizado xDDDDD